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  • Writer's pictureMichelle Kidwell

Book Review: Tell Her No Lies

Tell Her No Lies

by Kelly Irvin

Thomas Nelson
Pub Date 13 Nov 2018

I am reviewing a copy of Tell Her No Lies through Thomas Nelson Fiction and Netgalley:

This book combines romance and suspense to bring you an emotionally charged action packed take.

This tale is a Moving tale of Grace and forgiveness a reminder of how we often become strongest when we are most broken.

Nina fisher always has a camera with her because she wants to view life from a filter, keeping a safe distance es after her Mother abandoned her on the streets. Nina keeps people at a distance including her Uncle, he had adopted her and her sister. He is a wealthy and proud man a good man, a fair judge and someone people in San Antonio admire.

When her Uncle is murdered the dete assigned to the case believes Nina is guilty of the crime. Nina knows she must act, determined to use her Journalism background to find who really murdered her Uncle. The two men in her life want to help but are they trustworthy? She’s known Rick since childhood but now he’s an attorney with political aspirations that seem more important to him than Nina’s tragic loss. Aaron is a news videographer who could use her friendship to break the biggest story of his career.

As Nina follows the evidence leads Nina to discover that her Father was not at all the law abiding family loving Christian he had everyone believing he was. But unlocking these secrets could prove deadly.

I give Tell No Lies five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!
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